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Easy Group Activities for Positive Thinking

    Group Activities for Positive Thinking 

    The premise behind positive thinking is simple – when we fill our days with positive thoughts and actions, we attract more positivity into our lives.  In turn, this increases feelings of happiness, contentment, and general well-being. One fun way to incorporate this powerful practice is to organize some group activities for positive thinking. 

    You can try these activities with family, friends, or even coworkers. Perhaps try one next time you host a get-together and watch how it boosts the moods of your guests. 

    If you’re in charge of running an office, you might suggest incorporating one of our group activities for positive thinking into your next board meeting. Church groups, study groups, and family gatherings are all great examples of times to try out some of our group activities for positive thinking. 

    Many psychologists and anthropologists believe that humans are hardwired to pay attention to negativity. Ultimately, we tend to remember negative experiences more than positive ones.  As a result, over time this begins to influence our overall happiness. Indeed, our life is merely an accumulation of our experiences and memories. Positive thinking works by pulling our energy and focus away from negativity and creating a more balanced outlook on life. 

    These group activities for positive thinking are takes on classic psychological exercises used by doctors and mental health professionals. By extension, they can absolutely be practiced on your own in the comfort of your own home. 

    Create a Vision Board 


    • markers 
    • Posterboard or card stock 
    • Lots of magazines 

    At some point in your life, you may have already made a vision board or something like it. This activity is fun and crafty and a great way to spend a few hours shifting your focus alongside friends and family. This activity takes about an hour but can take longer if you choose to incorporate a time for sharing. 

    For this activity, participants should brainstorm activities that make them feel good.  Also, they can list anything they are particularly grateful for. This can include self-care practices like mindfulness meditations, rest or physical exercises along with social activities like spending time with family or significant others. It is very particular to each individual and can be anything at all that helps you feel positive, motivated, and inspired. 

    After brainstorming, spend time looking for corresponding images and words that align with the positive activities and feelings. Cut out words and images and arrange them on the board with a glue stick. 

    When everyone is finished, you can share your vision boards with one another. Furthermore, take them home to display in a prominent place where you can be reminded of the positivity each and every day. 

    Experience positivity through the 5 senses 


    • Paper
    • Pens 

    For this activity, each person will draw five columns on a piece of paper and label them with the five senses – sight, smell, sound, touch, and taste. Set a timer and allow each person about 20 minutes to brainstorm activities and experiences.  Make sure that these experiences spark joy and give them pleasure with each of their senses. 

    After some time elapses, you will simply write down the experiences in their corresponding column. For example, “the smell of lavender makes me feel calm and happy” would go in the scent column. 

    Afterward, participants can discuss their individual lists. Consider how long or short your list is? Why might that be? Is there anything surprising on your lists? How might you add more activities that give you pleasure each day? 

    Practice Gratitude 


    • Pen
    • Paper 

    There are two interesting ways to do this activity with a group, and both are excellent ways to encourage positive thinking. 

    The first is to simply spend 20 or so minutes writing lists of all the things you are grateful for. They can be big things like a meaningful career, and healthy children or small things like the tasty apple you ate for lunch.

     It doesn’t matter, simply encourage participants to write down anything and everything that they are grateful for. Afterward, have each participant share a few items from their lists with the group. 

    An alternative way to do this activity is to tap into feelings of gratitude through mental elimination. According to a 2008 study, it’s easier to experience a state of gratitude through mentally removing positive events and experiences as opposed to simply thinking about them. 

    For this method, ask participants to think about something they are extremely grateful.  Next, have them imagine what their lives would be like without that thing. Then spend 10-20 minutes journaling about the way their lives would change without it. Afterward, share with the group, and consider whether this method allows you to feel even more grateful for the positive things in your life. 

    Conclusion on Group Activities for Positive Thinking 

    Attempting some group activities for positive thinking at your next meeting or gathering can be a memorable way to connect with your loved ones and peers. Meanwhile, helping to encourage those around you to embrace a more positive view of life.