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Maintaining good mental health is essential to proper daily function, but unfortunately, until recently, it was seen as a secondary or even unnecessary part of personal wellness maintenance.
Indeed, until the mid-to-late 1900s, the topic of mental health was seen as taboo, and painful conditions – both physical and mental – caused many preventable deaths

When is National Mental Health Day?

    People joke about FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), but it is absolutely a real thing. It’s a valid reason why you feel guilty about taking a mental health day. It shows that you’re dedicated to your job and take it seriously, both of which are great qualities in an employee.

    Why Am I Feeling Guilty For Taking a Mental Health Day?

      Sometimes it is easier to laugh about our problems instead of facing them straight on; struggling with feeling less than is very hard to face for many people. So instead of seeking help or looking for pity, we cover it up.

      The 10 Best Hopelessness Memes to Make You LOL

        Even in moments of difficulty, we can rest knowing that God holds us in the palm of his hand. Proverbs 3:5–6 says it best, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.”

        Learning How to Walk by Faith and Not Sight

          Defenses take all shapes and sizes. And people can express themselves in various ways. However, feeling defensive doesn’t always look like anxiety, depression, or anger. Sometimes, a person seems cheerful and friendly instead. And that’s when they use humor as a defense mechanism to cope with challenging emotions.

          Can Humor Be a Defense Mechanism?

            Humor can be an incredibly powerful tool when you are experiencing challenges in your life. When you are feeling overwhelmed or upset about something, trying to find some humor in the situation can shift your perspective on the issue.

            Tips on Using Humor as a Coping Mechanism

              For instance, a child might laugh because a word sounds silly, or because something they dropped made a funny noise. Children tell jokes that make no sense to adults and are funny simply because they make no sense. Because of this wide range of triggers, children have far more reasons to laugh than adults do.

              How Often Do Adults Laugh?

                Humor in relationships improves feelings of connection, relationship satisfaction, and attraction. Of course, to have this effect, humor must be used at the appropriate times. Let’s see exactly how, when, and why humor is important in relationships.

                Why Humor Is Important in Relationships

                  “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.” Romans 15: 4

                  Passages of Hope in the Bible

                    While Faith is no doubt the English version of the term defined as the belief in things unseen, there are other languages who have beautiful words for faith that make unforgettable names. Below is a list of names that translate to “faith” along with their language origins.

                    What is a Name Meaning “Faith” That Everyone Will Love?