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80% of people who are experiencing extreme feelings of hopelessness and depression will show warning signs. Feeling hopeless can quickly escalate since when one feels hopeless, they can get into habits like oversleeping, isolating, or drinking alcohol which only exacerbates feeling hopeless.

Signs of Hopelessness

    Hopelessness can affect all areas of people’s lives. It can affect them emotionally, mentally, socially and physically. Hopelessness may only affect someone minimally and for a short time. However, there are many cases where hopelessness has a major impact on a person’s life and can lead to serious conditions, such as depression.

    How Can Hopelessness Affect People’s Lives?

      Hopelessness is a common emotion defined by a sense of despair or helplessness. Hopelessness can be caused by various factors, including loss, feeling helpless, death, failure, and circumstances beyond our control. Hopelessness can manifest itself both physically and mentally. At its strongest, hopelessness can lead us to question our existence and even lead to self-harm or even suicide.

      How to Describe Hopelessness

        The sinking feeling in your stomach, the ache in your heart, constantly being on the verge of tears – these are some of the horrible manifestations of hopelessness. It is a truly awful feeling that you wouldn’t wish upon your worst enemy. Guided meditation for hopelessness will help!

        Guided Meditation for Hopelessness