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The Act of Expressing Gratitude

    Expressing gratitude has been scientifically proven to have numerous positive physical, spiritual, and psychological benefits. This includes greater joy and improved relationships. Expressions of gratitude are rooted in the Latin word ‘gratia’, which means grace, graciousness or gratefulness, depending upon context. Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives. Whether that be tangible or intangible. Feeling and expressing gratitude helps us to recognize that goodness and abundance in our lives often comes from something larger than ourselves. Whether it’s other people, nature, or a higher power, gratitude allows us to tap into this “bigger” picture and appreciate the blessings around us.

    Expressing of Gratitude: The Benefits

    Expressing gratitude has been proven to have numerous benefits for our overall well being. It can help reduce stress, improve sleep quality, boost self-esteem, and create stronger relationships with others. Additionally, it can help you to appreciate the present moment and bring more joy into your life.

    Improves physical health:

    Studies have shown that gratitude can lower stress levels and lead to overall better physical health. It helps reduce cortisol (stress hormone) production. This results in less fatigue and overnight blood pressure dips, eases breathing and even improves our bodies immunity!

    Increases mental clarity:

    Take a little time each day to express thankfulness for everything in your life! This activates positive emotions like joy, hope and optimism rather than focusing on negative feelings like fear or worry. This has been found to clear mental fogginess and allow you to be more present. Letting go of worry also becomes easier!

    Strengthens relationships:

    Be thankful in both verbal and nonverbal ways significantly improves all types of relationships! All our relationships benefit, whether with friends, family members, or romantic partners alike! Showing gratitude can build a stronger bond with others! There are lots of easy ways to do this, from saying “thank you” or giving compliments. Focusing on the good in others and our relationships will only strengthen the feelings of closeness, love and appreciation.

    Increases motivation:

    One of the main benefits of practicing gratitude is that it can boost your motivation levels! When you start counting up all the wonderful things around you, the thought process shifts from a lackadaisical or scarcity mentality towards a more energetic one where good outcomes become much more likely because there’s enthusiasm instead of fear at work!



    Expressing gratitude is more than just a feel-good moment; it has the power to deeply transform your life and your relationship with God. Beyond its psychological and physical benefits, there are spiritual aspects to expressing thankfulness that can open up new depths of appreciation and connection with God, ourselves, our environment, and our sense of a greater presence in the world.
    Promotes a sense of inner peace: Gratitude is a key emotion to feeling peaceful, content and joyful. When we take the time to pause and reflect on all that we have in our lives, it puts things into perspective and makes us more aware of the abundance around us. This helps to create inner peace, even during difficult times in life.

    Enhances empathy:

    People who practice gratitude report being more generous and kind. Not just to themselves, but with those around them, too! This goes hand in hand with an increase in empathy since when we take the time to stop and count our blessings it improves our ability to connect compassionately with others who may be dealing with struggles of their own.

    Uplifts your spirit:

    And finally expressing gratitude every day lifts our spirits by making us feel connected to something greater than ourselves (whether this be God or Nature). This opens up different flows of energy which promotes a sense of calmness and balance within not only ourselves, but also within others whom we interact with!


    Count Your Blessings:

    Take some time each week to think about all that you have: from big things like family and friends, to small details like good coffee and sunshine. A helpful tip when counting blessings is to try thinking of something new each time, so your eyes stay open towards gratitude everyday and not just what we already know and expect. The list is never ending, you will soon find out.

    Keep a Gratitude Journal:

    Usually done in the morning or evening, create a daily practice of writing down three to five things you’re grateful for in a journal or notebook. This can be before bed or as soon as you wake up, but whatever time that works for you is best to help remind you to appreciate life’s little details.

    Celebrate Small Achievements:

    Achieving something small can fuel your desire for greater achievements while helping cultivate an awareness of progress – no matter how large or small it may be. Be your own cheerleader as it keeps any negative thoughts at bay while helping prioritize what you already have on the table and striving for more with greater faith and enthusiasm!

    Volunteer Time & Resources:

    Nothing can bring forth the power of gratitude quite like charitable efforts that help those who need it most in our society today — those without basic human needs such as food, shelter, and even education. Helping to provide these services to others not only strengthens us, but also demonstrates how much good can be done when people come together for a united cause!

    Practice Mindful Meditation & Prayer:

    Giving yourself permission to slow down and stop from time-to-time throughout the day is never a bad idea! It allows room for reflection on how far you’ve come, which helps restore inner peace during times of unrest or uncertainty — when moments are heavy with doubt or feeling overwhelmed by tasks yet undone; stopping to catch your breath — speaking a prayer of gratitude — cultivating meaningful time alone with God (or your Higher Power) will always prove beneficial in finding contentment once again within yourself & your surroundings!

    Listen Carefully & Speak Kindly:

    Life is busy, and distractions are abundant with all that daily life demands, but making time and effort to connect with others is still so important. Being conscious and courteous to the fact that everyone possesses equally valid points-of-view should help keep respect alive when conversation is taking place. Mindful listening is one way this can be achieved while kindness can break tensions during hard conversations – offering an understanding outlook where necessary – shows everyone involved just how powerful love really is at its core!

    Show Gratitude Often:

    Beyond celebrating personal victories, speaking kindly – being charitable – making time for stillness – listening carefully – never forget about thanking those around you. Offering heartfelt acknowledgement towards another person has the unimaginable power to not only lift them up, but yourself too!


    IN REFLECTION: habit of expressing gratitude

    Expressing gratitude can have incredibly powerful effects on our overall sense of well being and happiness. Research in positive psychology has this well documented, linking gratitude to better physical health, improved coping with adversity, and stronger relationships. Appreciation for the good things in life begins by reflecting on positive memories from the past, by staying mindful and grateful for current blessings, and by fostering a hopeful outlook for the future. One can consciously foster and promote the habit of expressing gratitude, regardless of their present level of appreciation.