Hopelessness is a hard obstacle to overcome especially when part of its power makes the future seem fruitless and bleak. Fortunately, there is a way out of the darkness and people who have experience and knowledge to help you get there. Check out these overcoming hopelessness TED talks to give you some ideas on how to get unstuck from the rut.
Overcoming Hopelessness – Nick Vujicic
In his TED talk, speaker Nick Vujicic gives some simple advice on how to turn the corner from a life of hopelessness. To begin, he starts with small steps such as turning obstacles into opportunities, finding the good in the worst parts of life, and taking life one day at a time.
Overall, he gives a good reminder that every person has value and love is the key to overcoming hopelessness but must be worked at.
Watch the full TED talk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6P2nPI6CTlc
How I Climbed Out of Hopelessness – Oudai Tozan
Oudai Tozan presented his TED Talk at the University of Glasgow about his own personal struggle with hopelessness and how he overcame it. He gives his audience key points to help them on their journey out of hopelessness.
His advice includes knowing what triggers your inner power to help start your journey back to normalcy. Next, he speaks of picking which obstacles you can overcome and tackling your struggles head on. Finally, he challenges you to do this no matter what the circumstances are.
Watch the full TED talk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MYq1WJMmts
How to Find Hope in Hopelessness – Alyssa Pare
High school student Alyssa Pare gives a TED talk for her school community of Manchester High School about her struggles with hopelessness. She reveals how she discovered that boundaries set by life and circumstances may not necessarily be bad. Likewise, these boundaries even helped her see the hope in hopeless situations.
She embodies the drive to overcome hopelessness by expressing a willingness to share her experiences. Additionally, she continues to explore these boundaries that help define her and make her a better person.
Watch the full TED talk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQuUeDan-xI
Recap of Overcoming Hopelessness TED Talks
Listen to these inspiring speakers as they aim to help their audience overcome hopelessness and live life looking forward to a bright future.