It is much healthier to talk about the problem, but in a healthy and child-appropriate way. Don’t overwhelm them with details, but you can share what you feel and ask for a hug. Then, say how even when times are hard, you feel lucky to have them with you, and know that you can get through this together.
Finding hope
Whether you are reading third parties’ vitriolic political arguments, buried in yet another rant about everything that the poster views is wrong with the country, or just reading up on the latest tragedy or injustice across the world, all of this information will bring you down, and it will bring you down hard.
How to Maintain a Positive Mindset in Today’s Crazy World
Harvard Health suggests this fun game. When you feel down, flip a coin. If you get heads, do something for yourself. If you get tails, do something for others. Either way, you’ll feel better!
Developing a Positive Mindset When Times are Tough
Repetition and kind words are great ways to bring positive thoughts into your mind space. Choose a mantra to say to yourself whenever you start feeling upset, overwhelmed, or even just first thing every morning to start your day off right.
Positive Thinking Ways That Really Work!
In Ledgerwood’s talk, she describes how people tend to focus more on the negativity of failure, more than the positivity of success, even of success happens more often. Failure sticks around much longer, she cites an example of the glass half full/half empty concept.
The Top Positive Thinking TED Talks on the Internet
If you make it a point to try to look for opportunities to help people, you will invite more positive energy into your world. You will feel helpful, accomplished, and needed, which are very validating feelings. It creates a sense of fulfillment to do something for someone, especially those that you care about.
The 5 Best Activities for Positive Thinking
This podcast shares interviews of real people who turned lemons into lemonade. We like the variety of stories: a widow who found life after a loss, a mom diagnosed with multiple sclerosis who refused to let her illness define her, a teenager janitor who got ahead by hard work but learned the importance of giving and taking.
Our 6 Favorite Podcasts on Positive Thinking
The Bible is a fantastic source to reference when looking for guidance towards happiness and positive thinking. There you will find plenty of self-affirmation texts and plenty of reminders about why you should keep your thoughts uplifted and joyful.
I Need a Bible Verse for Positive Thinking
What if creating your ideal life was as simple as changing your mindset? Developing a few easy habits can ensure that you live a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled life, according to proponents of positive thinking and the law of attraction. Adopting these positive thinking practices will assist you in making your wildest dreams a reality.
Positive Thinking Practices I Learned from “The Secret”
Whenever you can’t completely avoid negative thoughts, make sure you have a plan to get out of that mindset as quickly as you can. Turning to supportive friends or family members, journaling, or getting into a new environment are great ways to shift out of negativity and back towards positivity.