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Hope and Wellness Psychology-Some Useful Tips

    Just because you are physically well and suffer no mental illness does not mean that you are necessarily happy or hopeful in your life.  Consider factors of hope and wellness psychology that affect one’s feeling of being in the world that make us either flourish or languish as social beings.

    The best tips about hope and wellness psychology include that you: 

    • Look after your physical health
    • Learn stress management
    • Become more social
    • Reach out for help
    • Keep your brain engaged. 

    Hope is integral to living a meaningful life and finding purpose in the world. Consequently, those who experience little hope for the future are more prone to physical and mental illness.  Also, they are less likely to achieve some measure of happiness in their lives. Thus, if you seek a more positive and fulfilling life, here are some tips about hope and wellness psychology. 

    How Can We Factor in Hope and Wellness Psychology?

    Hope factors into wellness psychology because hope creates the determination and commitment to help an individual move towards their goals. Hope also allows one to find alternative plans in the presence of obstaclesFurthermore, hope has strong associations with life satisfaction.

    Studies suggest those who exhibit the character traits of hopefulness also show: 

    • A heightened sense of psychological well being
    • A greater feeling of social well-being
    • Reduced risk of death due to any cause
    • Less chronic conditions and susceptibility to cancer. 

    Furthermore, Hope has strong associations with psychosocial processes such as 

    • Emotional flexibility
    • Life satisfaction
    • Positive affect
    • Social support
    • A sense of purpose 
    • Quality of life. 

    However, don’t confuse hope with optimism as hopeful people focus their attention on the possibility that life will be good. On the other hand, optimists expect the future to be good (regardless of the causes).

    Tips to Achieving Hope and Wellness Psychology

    Look After Your Physical Health

    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), physical inactivity is the fourth most significant risk factor in global mortality.  Consequently, it accounts for 6% of global deaths every year. In fact, evidence points overwhelmingly to the link between the effect of poor physical health and mental illness and vice versa.

    Those in good physical health are less prone to depression, anxiety, and illness. Even more, they are more likely to experience a hopeful outlook on life and have meaningful social interactions. 

    You may improve your mental wellness considerably by:

    • Eating healthy food
    • Exercising regularly
    • Abstaining from alcohol, cigarettes, and recreational drugs
    • Keeping a healthy sleeping schedule
    • Learn relaxation techniques
    • Practice positive mental habits.

    Learn Stress Management 

    If you seek to improve your mental wellness, you should practice shifting your negative mindset and focus on your goals. Making a list of both short term and long-term goals can help you focus on realizing your full potential. Be mindful of obstacles as opportunities and not barriers to your growth. 

    Ways to learn to manage your stress include:

    • Self-guided mediation techniques
    • Put aside time for rest and relaxation
    • Connect with community or faith-based organizations to help others
    • Practice visualization of positive experiences
    • Learn deep breathing techniques. 

    Become More Social 

    Studies suggest that the human brain is hardwired to connect with others not merely to thrive but survive. Some experts suggest that the US is experiencing an epidemic of loneliness, with almost half of the people studied saying that they felt acute loneliness

    As social media creates fake connections, people drift further and further from meaningful friendships with other human beings. And so, one of the best methods to feel hope and mental well-being is to help others. 

    Studies show that acts of kindness increase a person’s sense of well-being, improve friendship circles and increase self-esteem. Ideas to enlarge your social sphere include:

    • Connect with community or faith-based organizations to help others.
    • Volunteer for organizations that fit with your ethical standpoints, such as animal rights or environmental activities.
    • Create an outreach group to personally help those in need by creating a small feeding program or soup kitchen.

    Reach out For Help in Hope and Wellness Psychology

    Those who score well in psychological wellness often have a strong emotional support network. Talking to others about your feelings and fears truly affects your mental state. Likewise, it helps you develop a more hopeful and positive outlook on life.

    If you feel shy about burdening others with your problems, think about it this way: you are doing them a favor!

    Studies suggest that helping another person causes the brain to release oxytocin.  This hormone can boost your mood and decrease cortisol which is your stress hormone. Allowing someone to help you also allows the other person to be involved and express themselves.

    Keep Your Brain Engaged

    Hobbies, interests, or learning a new skill can take you out of your comfort zone and give you new ideas and direction. Simply put, new interests can provide a welcome change in perspective and allow you to develop in new directions. 

    Indeed, keeping your brain active helps retain brain cells. It even forms connections and creates new brain cells to keep your mind healthy.

    Ways to keep your brain active include:

    • Mind puzzles such as Soduko and crossword puzzles
    • Take up a musical instrument or learn a new skill
    • Take up a part-time study in something that interests you; there are many free online courses to enjoy.

    How Hope and Wellness Psychology Works

    Wellness Psychology is a branch of thought that takes a multisided and holistic view of a person as a spiritual, social, and physical being. Traditional views of mental health and psychological well-being focused on the absence of illness as a measure of health. 

    On the other hand, wellness psychology instead focuses on the presence of aspects of wellness.  These include life satisfaction, joy, and life purpose as the true markers of a balanced and thriving human being. Without a healthy mental outlook and experience of life, a person can be unwell regardless of being free from psychological and physical illness. 

    Regardless of whether a person shows signs of mental and physical illness, wellness psychology measures the balance of competing forces such as:

    • Aspects of the self include mental outlook, spirituality, relationships with others, and personal growth 
    • Other domains of life that involve interpersonal and social relationships in love and work in a person’s given context. 

    How Do You Measure Hope and Wellness Psychology?

    You can measure psychological wellness by:

    • Are you working towards reaching your full potential?
    • Have you taken responsibility for your circumstances and future happiness?
    • Do you find order and meaning in your work and life?
    • How well do you understand your emotions and the emotions of others and how to use them in achieving your goals?  

    Although a perfect definition of wellness psychology is still in debate, there are core mental health factors that factor in almost all wellness theories. Unfortunately, these factors are often overlooked in traditional psychological theories.  For instance, those that take the absence of illness as a marker of health regardless of a person’s outlook and general happiness in life.

    A person shows psychological wellness in these several ways:


    Self-actualization involves an individual working towards reaching their full potential as a fully functioning and mature individual.   This is the essence of personal growth. Self-actualized people show the ability to “go with the flow” in the face of change.  Also they are motivated to express and develop their talents.


    Psychologically well individuals do not perceive themselves as victims of circumstance.  They feel that they are the creators of their own destiny. When one feels that one’s life and happiness are dependent on others’ thoughts and random circumstances, it’s tough to find happiness.

    Thus, those with feelings of hopelessness brought on by their own thoughts or lack of control cannot positively react to stress. 

    A Sense of Order and Meaning

    People who view their world as ordered and meaningful can better utilize resources, be it social or material, to pursue their life goals. A sense of being ok allows individuals to correctly deal with change. As a result, it motivates them to move forward towards future goals. 

    Studies show that those in the workplace with a higher sense of self knowledge show greater leadership at work.  Even more, they are more likely to motivate others to help them achieve their goals. 

    Emotional Intelligence

    Those who experience psychological wellness can handle their own feelings.  That is why they can use these feelings to guide their actions and thoughts. Being able to recognize our emotions and the feelings of others allows us to manage our feelings in ourselves and our relationships. 

    The ability to understand and control our feelings seeps into every aspect of our lives.  This can  include relationships with family, partners, and the workplace. While intelligence and mental understanding may help a person, the knowledge of how they all fit together is important in achieving successful relationships and achieving self-growth. 

    Closing Thoughts on Hope and Wellness Psychology

    A measure of a successful life is not a lack of illness but rather the presence of mental well-being within oneself.  In addition to well-being with one’s loved ones, and society in general. Hope and having a positive mental outlook allow one to thrive in the world and not merely survive. We hope you will use these tips about hope and wellness psychology to achieve your best possible life.