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Hopelessness is caused by many different things, such as feeling hopeless, alienated, like you failed, finding others untrustworthy. By acknowledging how you are feeling, you can do certain things in order to cope better.

Help! What Causes Feelings of Hopelessness?

    Faith and repentance are two essential doctrines in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Let the words of these spiritual leaders inspire you to move deeper into your faith and seek repentance in a meaningful way.

    Our Favorite Faith and Repentance LDS Talks

      Need a quick dose of the funnies to lift your spirits? Look no further than short stories with humor, which can all be accessed online or checked out from your local library.

      Short Stories with Humor to Make You LOL

        The best thing that men can do to improve their health is to prioritize prevention of health issues rather than wait for treatment to become inevitable and maybe even impossible. Learning to be aware of health issues that affect men and how to spot the signs and symptoms is a big part of this.

        When is National Men’s Mental Health Week?

          The first great example of faith in the Old Testament is Abraham, the father of nations. God saw what a good and faithful man Abraham was so He promised Abraham that his descendants would be too numerous to count. God even tested Abraham’s faith several times.

          You’ll Love These Simple Bible Scriptures on Faith

            “I always pray for God’s guidance in my life and he always provides it. He opens the right doors he shuts the right doors. And I have tremendous faith in him. He just guided my career in an amazing way.” – Ben Carson

            Faith in God Quotes You Need in Your Life

              Self-deprecating humor is that in which the person delivering the jokes uses themselves as the punchline. Although not as common in the mainstream as other types of humor, you can find examples of it among public figures, either through their characters or directly.

              Famous Examples of Self-Deprecating Humor

                Having faith in the Lord is about more than simply believing He is real. It’s about actually doing what the Bible dictates for a follower of the faith. It’s about living your life the way your faith says you should. After all, if you really had faith in God and the Bible, you’d be inclined to obey its commandments, would you not?

                The Best Sermon on ‘What is Faith’ I’ve Ever Read!

                  In this article, we’ll dive a little deeper into the most inspiring Bible story on faith and also cover some significant runners-up from both the Old and New Testaments including Abraham and Isaac, Daniel and the lions, Mary the Mother of God, and Paul the apostle.

                  The Most Inspiring Bible Story on Faith You’ll Ever Read!