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Stories in the Bible on Faith

    Faith is the belief in a higher power or divine being. It is the trust and confidence that one has in God or a spiritual figure. Faith is often described as the foundation of religion.  It provides a sense of purpose and meaning to one’s life.

    As Christians, faith is a central component of our religious beliefs. We learn in the Bible, that we are to believe and trust in God’s Word and His promises. We want to share some key stories in the Bible on faith that exemplify what it means for Christians to have faith. But first, let’s take a look at some key aspects of Christians’ understanding of faith.

    Stories in the Bible on Faith


    Christians believe that faith is necessary for salvation. They believe that it is not just through good works or personal merit that we can be saved. We believe that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ. Christians believe that by placing their trust in Jesus and accepting His sacrifice on the cross, they can be forgiven of their sins and have eternal life.

    Trust and obedience:

    Faith is not just about belief, but also about trust and obedience. As Christians, we believe that true faith involves not only believing in God, but also following His commands and living according to His will. We believe that faith should lead to obedience and good works.

    Relationship with God:

    Followers of Christ view faith as a way to cultivate a relationship with God. We believe that faith involves building a personal connection with God through prayer, worship, and the study of His word. Through this relationship, Christians seek to deepen their understanding of God and His plan for their lives.

    Testing and growth:

    We believe as Christians, that faith is tested through trials and challenges. These difficult experiences can help to strengthen our faith. We believe that difficulties can be opportunities to grow closer to God and to develop a greater sense of trust in Him.

    The Bible Stories and Their Heroes

    The foundation of the Christian faith is the Bible.  The Bible is full of stories that showcase ordinary men with extraordinary faith. The following are some of the most inspiring stories of faith found primarily in the Old Testament.

    Stories in the Bible on Faith


    Abraham’s story of faith is one of the most prominent and inspiring narratives of the Old Testament. Originally named Abram, Abraham was called by God to leave his homeland and go to a place that God would show him. Despite not knowing where he was going, Abraham obeyed God’s call and journeyed with his wife Sarah and his nephew Lot.

    Throughout his life, Abraham demonstrated a deep trust and faith in God. God promised Abraham that he would be the father of many nations, and that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. Abraham believed God’s promise. Even though Abraham and his wife Sarah were elderly & childless, they still chose to believe. 

    Abraham faced many challenges, which included being forced to flee to Egypt and deal with conflicts over land with neighboring tribes. Despite the setback, Abraham remained faithful to God’s call throughout it all. He continuously sought God’s guidance and direction, and he was willing to make sacrifices and take risks for the sake of his faith.


    One of the most significant examples of Abraham’s faith was his willingness to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. When God commanded him to do so, he was prepared to answer that call. Even though this command seemed to contradict God’s earlier promises to bless him through Isaac, Abraham trusted that God had a plan and was ultimately in control.

    Through his faithfulness, Abraham became known as the father of the Jewish people and an example of faith for all believers. The Apostle Paul wrote in the New Testament that Abraham’s faith was credited to him as righteousness. The meaning of this is that Abraham’s obedience and trust in God were the basis for his salvation.


    Joseph had an unwavering trust in God’s plan for his life, even in the face of adversity and hardship. As a young man, Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and taken to Egypt. Once in Egypt, he served as a slave in the household of Potiphar.

    Despite his circumstances, Joseph remained faithful to God and worked hard to honor Him in all that he did. When Potiphar’s wife falsely accused Joseph of trying to seduce her, Joseph was thrown into prison. But Joesph continued to trust in God’s plan for his life.

    While in prison, Joseph interpreted the dreams of two fellow prisoners. His gift of interpreting dreams caught the attention of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. Pharaoh had been troubled by a dream that no one could interpret. But Joseph was able to explain its meaning and provide guidance on how to prepare for a coming famine.


    Pharaoh was so impressed with Joseph that he made him second-in-command in Egypt, responsible for managing the food supply during the famine. Through his position of authority, Joseph was able to save countless lives and provide for his family. This included his brothers who had sold him into slavery. 

    Throughout his life, Joseph demonstrated an unwavering faith in God’s plan. Even when it seemed that everything was going wrong. He recognized that God was working through the trials and challenges he faced. He trusted in God’s provision and protection.

    In reflecting on his experiences, Joseph declared, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” (Genesis 50:20). This statement reflects Joseph’s deep faith in God’s sovereign control over his life and the greater purposes that God was accomplishing through his trials and hardships.

    Stories in the Bible on Faith


    Moses possessed great obedience to God’s commands and trust in God’s provision. When God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, Moses initially doubted his ability to fulfill this task. However, he ultimately trusted in God’s guidance and followed His commands.

    One example of Moses’ faith can be seen in his interaction with Pharaoh. Despite Pharaoh’s refusal to let the Israelites go, Moses continued to obey God and deliver His message to Pharaoh. Moses trusted that God would eventually bring about the release of the Israelites, even when it seemed impossible.


    Another example of Moses’ faith can be seen in his leadership during the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness. Even when faced with challenges such as hunger, thirst, and opposition from within the Israelite community, Moses remained steadfast in his trust of God’s provision. He prayed for God’s help and guidance. God provided manna and water for the Israelites to sustain them on their journey.

    Moses’ faith was also demonstrated in his devotion to God’s law. When God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, Moses recognized their importance. He knew they were to be a guide for the Israelites’ behavior and committed himself to upholding them.

    Despite his moments of doubt and frustration, Moses is remembered as a great hero. His faith led his people out of slavery and into the Promised Land. His life serves as an example of obedience and trust in God’s will.


    David’s story of faith in the Bible is closely intertwined with his life as a king and leader of Israel. Throughout his life, David demonstrated a deep trust in God and reliance on His guidance.

    One example of David’s faith can be seen in his battle against Goliath. When David was a young shepherd, he volunteered to fight the Philistine giant when none of the other Israelite soldiers were willing to face him. David declared, “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine” (1 Samuel 17:37). David’s faith in God’s protection and provision gave him the courage to defeat Goliath and earn the respect and admiration of the Israelite people.


    Later in his life, David faced many challenges and trials, including being pursued by his own son Absalom and dealing with political and military enemies. In these times of distress, David turned to God in prayer and found strength and comfort in His presence. In Psalm 23, David wrote, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

    Despite his mistakes and failures, David’s faith in God remained strong throughout his life. He recognized that his success as a king and leader was ultimately due to God’s grace and mercy. He gave thanks and praise to God for all his blessings.


    Peter’s story is found in the New Testament and is a powerful example of how God can transform even the most flawed and impulsive individuals into faithful servants. Peter was one of Jesus’ closest disciples and played a prominent role in the early Christian church.

    Throughout the Gospels, we see Peter as a bold and passionate follower of Jesus, but also one who frequently stumbled and made mistakes. For example, when Jesus predicted that he would be arrested and killed, Peter boldly declared that he would never abandon Jesus, only to deny him three times when confronted by Roman soldiers.

    However, despite his failures, Peter remained a devoted follower of Jesus and played a key role in spreading the Gospel message. After Pentecost, Peter became a powerful preacher and evangelist, sharing the message of Christ with Jews and Gentiles alike. He performed miraculous healings and exorcisms, and his teachings helped to establish the early church.


    One of the most significant moments in Peter’s story of faith came when he encountered the risen Christ on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. After the resurrection, Peter had returned to fishing, but when Jesus called out to him from the shore and instructed him to cast his nets on the other side of the boat, Peter obeyed and caught a huge haul of fish. Jesus then commissioned Peter to “feed my sheep,” entrusting him with the responsibility of leading and caring for Christ’s followers.

    Peter’s story reminds us that faith is not about being perfect or having all the answers. Faith is about trusting in God’s grace and mercy. Even when we stumble and fall, God can use us for His purposes and transform our weaknesses into strengths. By remaining faithful and obedient to God’s call, we too can become instruments of His love and grace in the world.

    In Summary

    We love these stories in the Bible on faith. Each of the aforementioned figures demonstrated a deep trust in God and a willingness to follow His commands, even in the face of adversity and hardship.

    We continue to learn that faith can be a powerful force in daily life. We see our faith providing guidance, comfort, and strength in difficult times. Trusting in God’s provision, guidance, and love, brings hope and courage to face challenges and overcome obstacles. Our faith can also helps us to maintain a sense of perspective and peace. We can recognize that God is in control and working for our good, even when we can’t see it.

    We treasure these stories of faith in the Bible. These stories remind us that we are not alone in our struggles. That we, like these biblical heroes, can also find hope and strength in God’s promises and provision. We can cultivate a deep and abiding faith as we read from the Bible. We can live with purpose, joy, and peace, even in the midst of life’s challenges.